It's A Dog's Life

Monday, September 26, 2005

Well, all my company has gone home. Samantha left this morning. Obviously, I miss my friends. But, it is nice to have Lindy all to myself again. She took me on a nice long walk this evening. It’s hot out. Lindy likes that, I guess, because she didn’t complain any.

This is a picture of my friend Samantha. She is a cute little bitch, that’s for sure. And, she is nice. She gives me all her treats if I go over and take them from her. Lindy does not like for me to do that but it is clear that Samantha likes for me to and since she is company and everything… I mean, if she wants me to take her treats I have no real choice except to be noble and selfless and take them. Right?

This is a picture of Samantha with my guardian, Lindy. If Lindy has any weakness it is that she loves all the dogs and not just me. Very annoying. But, I know that in the end I will still be here with Lindy after all the other dogs have gone home.

I am hoping that things will get back to normal now. I haven’t been to the lake in awhile, nor have I been much of anywhere else. Not to complain or anything… I just feel that a day out would be in order. I have mentioned it to Lindy and she seemed more receptive than normal so I am hopeful. Wish me luck.




  • Dear Rowan,
    My friend, Chris Clements, put me onto your blog. My two dogs, Bart and Keda, enjoy it very much, as do I. My cat, Catrin, however, is not at all impressed. But then, not much impresses her, I'm afraid.

    We all enjoy your adventures. Bart is impressed with your squirrel-chasing prowess, and Keda is quite smitten by your good looks. (She thinks she is a princess, although actually she is just a dirty girl.) I would appreciate being notified of the updates to your blog.

    Your friend,
    Tom Morrison
    Ashland, Ohio

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:18 PM  

  • Hi Tom,

    Thanks for writing to me. I’ve just been outside checking out some of the bitches in the neighborhood. (Don’t tell Lindy. She doesn’t like for me to call the girl dogs that. Don’t know why. She‘s funny like that.) Now, I am in for dinner and some work on my blog before I call it a day.

    Catrin should give me another chance because I am just about to post a photo of some cats: Cagney, Stretch, and Wanda. They live with one of Lindy’s friends in Phoenix which I think is near the Pyramids. I am really not as anti-cat as some dogs.

    As for your dogs. Well, I don’t like to discuss my sexuality in public -- like to maintain the androgynous mystique, and all -- But, I might be more interested in Bart than in Keda, poor dear.

    Hey, give my love to Chris. And, thanks for reading. I’ll have Lindy put you on the update list and she’ll send you a note whenever I update. She’s such a doll.



    By Blogger Lindy, at 8:26 PM  

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