It's A Dog's Life

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

As you can probably tell from the real great photograph on the left, I am wearing my pretty blue bandanna today. I've had it for a long time and it is pretty soft. Much softer than my newer ones. I like it quite a lot.

In the photos today you will see me near my wood pile. Sometimes the humans come and take some of my wood and burn it. That is a real big help to me since I am trying to get to all the little creatures that live underneath the wood. I know for a fact that there are lizards under there. Maybe other stuff too.

Here is a picture showing how I look when I am on watch for a critter. I am paying real close attention to any sounds or smells. Critters give clues, you know. I have to be very attentive. But, as you can see, I am still wearing my bandanna.

I try to be real faithful in my duties because I know it is an example to my guardian of how to be on the lookout for God. Keep aware, be ready. Stay focused on critters, er, I mean love. And get your ears up. Be sensitive to the slightest movement. And, also, dress as well as you possibly can.

I hope that each one of you has a good and happy day today, and that you are able to concentrate real hard on what is most important to you. Because, if you look real hard, you will find what you are looking for.

And, don't forget to play.




  • Just the message I needed today, my friend. Thank you! (And you do, indeed, look very handsome.)


    By Blogger Wormwood's Doxy, at 11:24 AM  

  • Dear +Rowan,

    As usual you are handsome, smart, and wise. You look great in blue. I have not had any play time except for a little Facebook chitchat and there is far too much work in my life. But tonight I will get home earlier than yesterday and the day before and I will get to play with +Maya! Yay! She was not happy that I got home so late last night. Today I went home for lunch and she was pleased.

    Thank you, +Rowan. You're the best.

    Jane (and +Maya, who tries to keep an eye on me - when she doesn't do that, it's my fault and not hers)

    By Blogger Jane R, at 12:57 PM  

  • Rowan, I agree that paying attention is important - also looking your best - and you look great. I'm going to a party on Saturday night, and I'm wearing black with a colorful shawl - just couldn't figure out what color until I saw how beautiful that blue looks. I have a shawl that color; I'll wear it and think of you as I play with the humans and one brown lab that is sweet and playful.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:57 PM  

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