And that little puppy is our beautiful Scout. It's hard to believe that Scout was that little once, isn't it? But, things change.
Scout's life changed this week. Her friend George had his last day. That means that he is gone from Earth. The Last Day, I think, is harder on those of us left behind than on the ones who go.
Please say some prayers for Scout and her family so that maybe they won't feel so sad, and that they will have hope in the time when we are all up in Heaven together. You can pray to either Jesus or Mary, or even one of the brighter saints... just someone who will know what Scout and her family need will help them.
Pray especially for the humans. They are so fragile, you know. And they need all the love that God and Dog can muster.
And, while you're down on your nobby human knees, pray for one another. Give thanks for the life that we all share on this Earth, for our connection to one another and to God, and pray that we can all live and play gently like George.