Wednesday, August 26, 2009
As you may know, my guardian and faithful assistant has been gone away from me for awhile. She went to a New city called York which I think is probably a pretty nice place, but not as much fun as the beach.
A'course I was alright without her. I can run this diocese all by myself, after all. But, I am happy that she is back home to pet me and drive me around the diocese in the car. I like the car rides quite a lot.
Today Lindy took me for a ride in the car and we went to The Beach. I was very happy to see a lot of humans there playing and jumping in the water. Also, I want to remind you all of the importance of laughing. It's one of the best things you can do.
So, here are some nice photos of me having my real great day at the beach.
Now get out there and have some fun of your own.
Bishop of Playing