On the way there, Lindy put the top down on the car just for me. Very thoughtful of her. She's always thinking about me... What kind of treats to get me, where all she can take me, stuff like that. It's because of love that she does it.
When I got there, I saw a lot of other animals.

Here's a shot of me looking at some hampsters.

And here's one of me looking at the guinea pigs. Guinea pigs make Lindy laugh.

And, best of all, here's a shot of me getting a treat from the cashier. She liked me. I could tell.
I didn't have any balls, at least not any that float in the water, so Lindy bought me two new ones -- both red -- so, now I've got balls. And she got me a treat too.
After the shopping, me and Lindy went for a walk around the shopping plaza. That part was alright, I guess. Not as much fun as shopping.
Mainly, I just like being with Lindy because she is my guardian. It's important to spend time with your guardian whether they are doing anything for you or not because maybe, just maybe, they are happy that you are there.
Hope you've got balls!