When Cub Went Home
This morning my guardian called me over to her desk and up into her lap and she held onto me real tight so I wiggled around and grunted. But, when she gave me some space, I noticed that her face was wet and she looked all sad. I am a dog so I knew what to do and I licked her ear and nuzzled her neck. That sometimes helps humans feel better... simple creatures that they are.
She petted me and said, "Oh Rowan, Cub has died." And she felt sad because it reminded her that someday I will die too and she will miss me a real lot when that happens. I don't care though because I can't wait to get my little golden tail. I'm going to wag it real hard when I get it too. I am.
I felt kind of bad for Lindy but I was thinking, Yay Cub!
This is a photo of Cub on the day that he went to live with his thumb havers. I think they must be real good guardians because Cub was such a good dog. One of them typed for Cub and everything. Pretty nice. That one was called The Typist. That's interesting because Typist sounds like type. Humans are like that.
Cub looks happy in this photo, don't you think? I think Cub knew that he was going to go to a very good home with nice humans to take care of him.
Today Cub went to a new home. It's in Heaven. I wonder if there was someone there to take Cub's photo today. Maybe Saint Roch was there with a camera. And Laika was probably there too because Cub is the kind of dog Laika would want to be friends with.
I bet Saint Roch took a photo of Cub and Jesus. I hope Jesus could stop laughing long enough to do a good pose. Jesus was probably real happy to see Cub. And Mary would be there too because she loves to see her Son be all happy. I think Jesus is the one that gives you your little golden tail so He has to be there. Not sure about that though. It might just happen my magic. Don't know. I hope there's a little ceremony when you get it. I think I would like a ceremony.
It is sometimes hard for me to remember the specifics of Heaven. But, I am learning a few things. The golden tail for one thing. And I know that since it's where I came from it'll feel like going home when I get there. I know that Cub will be there and that it'll be fun. Probably there are ducks that you can chase. I can't imagine that there wouldn't be. It's going to be great.
The only bad thing about Heaven is that it makes guardians sad. I wish they could see how much fun it is for dogs. But... you know... humans. When they finally get to Heaven they will understand too.

I felt kind of bad for Lindy but I was thinking, Yay Cub!
This is a photo of Cub on the day that he went to live with his thumb havers. I think they must be real good guardians because Cub was such a good dog. One of them typed for Cub and everything. Pretty nice. That one was called The Typist. That's interesting because Typist sounds like type. Humans are like that.
Cub looks happy in this photo, don't you think? I think Cub knew that he was going to go to a very good home with nice humans to take care of him.
Today Cub went to a new home. It's in Heaven. I wonder if there was someone there to take Cub's photo today. Maybe Saint Roch was there with a camera. And Laika was probably there too because Cub is the kind of dog Laika would want to be friends with.
I bet Saint Roch took a photo of Cub and Jesus. I hope Jesus could stop laughing long enough to do a good pose. Jesus was probably real happy to see Cub. And Mary would be there too because she loves to see her Son be all happy. I think Jesus is the one that gives you your little golden tail so He has to be there. Not sure about that though. It might just happen my magic. Don't know. I hope there's a little ceremony when you get it. I think I would like a ceremony.
It is sometimes hard for me to remember the specifics of Heaven. But, I am learning a few things. The golden tail for one thing. And I know that since it's where I came from it'll feel like going home when I get there. I know that Cub will be there and that it'll be fun. Probably there are ducks that you can chase. I can't imagine that there wouldn't be. It's going to be great.
The only bad thing about Heaven is that it makes guardians sad. I wish they could see how much fun it is for dogs. But... you know... humans. When they finally get to Heaven they will understand too.
Thank you God for being the best guardian ever and for being in Heaven to welcome us dogs back home when we get there. Please give Cub a real nice new tail, golden and all. And make Cub strong and well again. Help Cub's thumb havers to not be sad in their hearts and help The Boy to be good. I love you. From Rowan. Amen.