My guardian took me to Matagorda Beach today. It's a real great place with wide bands of sand for dogs to run on. Also, there are some dead fish out there for dogs to roll on. It's one of the best features of this beach.
This is what I look like when I am running toward Lindy. When I am happy my tongue goes all limpy like that.

Sometimes, if Lindy is real nice and drives slowly, I can stand up on the back part of the car like in this shot. I can see and smell just about everything from up here, and it makes me feel important to be up so high. I can only do it if Lindy is driving real carefully which mostly she does not. But today she did.
As you can see, I had a very good and fun day at Matagorda Beach, Lindy picked up some pretty shells and she said she was real proud of my good obedience.
I hope all of you are having fun and playing hard!
Here's a picture of me when we first got to the beach. See, I'm still in the car.
Sometimes, if Lindy is real nice and drives slowly, I can stand up on the back part of the car like in this shot. I can see and smell just about everything from up here, and it makes me feel important to be up so high. I can only do it if Lindy is driving real carefully which mostly she does not. But today she did.
As you can see, I had a very good and fun day at Matagorda Beach, Lindy picked up some pretty shells and she said she was real proud of my good obedience.
I hope all of you are having fun and playing hard!