Hello Blog Friends. As you may well imagine, I have been very busy doing my important duties and napping. It seems like there is no end to my responsibilities.
In the area of the backyard, the cheeky squirrel continues to torment me and my guardians with incessant running and jumping from branch to branch. It's as it we are being taunted by our own inability to climb trees and fly through the air. Still, I remain confident that THE Guardian has given me all the resources I need to do my important jobs, and Lindy seems to be pleased with me even though I am mainly Earth bound.
I continue with the hole digging project near the big tree. So far I have four nice holes in which I can stick my whole torso. Two of the holes join one another and I can almost wiggle myself from one hole to the other. Just a little more to go on that.

I recently visited Uncle Rusty's Beach House to see the construction efforts. It looks like I will have completed my hole to China before the beach house is finished. Still, it is slow going after a hurricane and everyone in Surfside is trying to get their houses back in order. Everybody says Surfside is going to be better than ever, even Lindy says so. And you know she's usually more pessimistic about things.

I hope you all are doing well with your very important duties. Remember, there are no small jobs, only small dogs. And, after you've done your duties and had a nap, be sure to do some very important playing. It keeps the universe happy.
Your good friend,
and a good dog,
who has lots of fun,