Well, here's that great photo of myself I promised you. And, please notice how I really do look quite handsome in this one.
Lindy was in a good mood when she got home with her SanDisk reader de do-hickey. She said that she got it at the office supply store without even having to go to the camera store at all!
So, I guess we
could have had the photos a lot earlier if Ms. Technology Queer... I mean Technology
Queen... had known what she was doing. I don't really mind her occasional goof-ups. She's amusing though.
If you look there in the background you can see Lindy's amazing tomato plants. We had to take photos of them too. Even the tomatoes have a blog of their own!
I smelled a cat while Lindy and I were out taking our photos. I didn't run after it though. It's not allowed.
I am a wild man at heart but I do try to please my guardian as much as I can. It's hard sometimes when she asks me to do things that seem counterintuitive to me. It's just in my nature, my very DNA to chase those dang cats. But, as an obedient servant, I love to please my guardian more than my very life. So, I obey. I try real hard anyway.
Lindy says that she has the same issues with her guardian. That's THE Guardian. I think that Lindy sometimes is not very obedient. Don't know for sure. But, like me, she tries hard. As a fellow traveler, and struggler, I can respect that.
Hope you are doing good with your guardian.